
Saving Faith?  Faith saves, Right? We all know that a sinner needs "saving

Faith saves, Right? We all know that a sinner needs "saving faith," Right?

Two passages that mention faith are from Galatians and Romans. It is common to read Galatians 2:16 and Romans 3:28 too narrowly as if the text only addressed “works of the law.” On this reading, one could not be justified by works done in obedience to the law but could conceivably be justified by faith works, and that would be wholly acceptable in this supposed view. Throw in a James two and a Romans two, to boot, slip...

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Does God get His way?  It is a common belief that it is the new orthodoxy,

It is a common belief that it is the new orthodoxy, that God wants certain things that we will not let Him have them. Take for instance, salvation. God wants to save everybody, says the average popular evangelical sermon, book, or tract. So why doesn’t it happen? Well, the answer is simple. It was glorified in a Hollywood Movie, when the character playing Satan says something to the effect: “Free Will; it’s a *****” [female dog].

The obvious connotation was that no one can influence another,...

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Welcome Greetings in Christ Jesus the Lord.Thanks so much for taking the

Greetings in Christ Jesus the Lord.

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit this site.

I trust you will not be disappointed but rather be edified.
The real reason that I engage in any activity is to honor Christ. It probably sounds like a cliché. However, over twenty years ago, when I graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, I maintained that my academic work was a part of my discipleship experience and that, as such, any further labors would only be for...

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