
The God You Don’t Know

The whole counsel of God, that is, the entire content of Scripture must inform our view of the God of the Bible. In his letter to Timothy, Paul affirmed that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly...

The Trinity Without Eternal Generation: One God in Three Persons: One Spirit, One Lord, and One Father, Fully Co-Equal, Co-Eternal, and Co-Essential

This book develops the Biblical teaching of the Holy Trinity. God is eternally Triune. There is no eternal generation of the Son or eternal procession of the Spirit as they are eternally God. Historical theology and some insights from various thinkers help yield a robust and consistent vision and portrait of the Triune God.

A Commentary on Colossians: Hold on to the Head

The epistle to the Colossians will always be a powerhouse of wisdom refuting heresy. The letter is brief, but oh, so dynamic. Here, Paul promotes a high view of Jesus Christ as Preeminent in salvation, the Church, and the entire Cosmos. Paul challenges believers to remain faithful. This is not about rule-keeping or following tradition....

Thy Word is Fire: Looking into the Perfect Mirror of God’s Sacred Scripture. A Response to Michael Brown.

In recent years, Charismatics have gone on the offensive with assertions that Cessationism cannot be sustained biblically. One of the most vocal is Michael Brown of AskDrBrown fame. He struck out at the Strange Fire book & conference with a volume entitled, Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire. Brown’s work is full of...

The Glorious God’s Gospel of Grace: The Potter’s Prerogative. A Response to Leighton Flowers

“It is very difficult—well, impossible—to make the assumption that only contra-causal freedom constitutes the basis for moral responsibility and at the same time seek to maintain a biblical view of God. Of course, not only is God at stake in this assumption, but the biblical doctrines of sin, grace, salvation, the person of Christ, the certainty...

The Omnipresence of Jesus Christ

This important book reassesses the classic Chalcedonian view of Jesus: “one person, two natures”. It carefully rejects all forms of kenotic Christology and affirms that Jesus possessed and used all the divine attributes, in particular, that of omnipresence, arguing that evangelical scholars have abandoned this important truth. This has...